What is Role Playing?
Role playing is where you play out a story. Users will come up with an idea for a story and you will make your own characters. Users will make internal and external conflicts as they go along which could have to do with love choice or a war or anything.
Character making
1. you must include the character’s name. It does not have to be your own (but please DO NOT use the SAME name in EVERY RP. You can make up ANY name you want.
2. Yes, you may be more than one person. We encourage that you to not have more than 2 people since it does get confusing. The way you would play 2 people is make them sprat colors. It really is the best way.
3. You must include a description of what the character looks like. The best methods of showing your character’s looks are to go to Photo bucket OR Tinypic.com and in the search bar type your search or just down lowed the pic. we would like you to use real people. you find the picture you are looking for you click on the code bar where it says Direct Link. You copy the code and go back to the Role Play section. In your reply, you click the Add a Picture button in the toolbar and paste the code there. After that is done you are finished with your description.
4. You must add your character's age. And also respect the age range the creator of the RP would like.
5. In the threads of the different Role Plays you may be needed to add different information such as a power that you would like to have. The power could be turning invisible or controlling fire. It depends on what the creator of the thread has written.
God Modding
God Modding is where you control someone else’s character when they are away. There are rules that apply to God Modding.
1. DO NOT God Mode someone’s character unless the user gives you permission to do so.
2. If the user has left the forums for a long period of time then Private Message me telling me the problem and i will tell you if God Modding will be allowed.
OOC (Out Of Character) Posts
To discuss ideas for the story, and how each others Characters' can/should react, or whether a Character does or does not know something, basically anything to do with the story being told, are permitted, and encouraged. However, when you do write out of character you must write in parentheses. Like so (( )) OR )) ((
Role Play Topic Creators
1. The Role Play Section will be closed once it reaches 50 topics, this allows for only one page and keeps the open ones active rather than letting them die quickly. Once the number decreases down significantly enough from 50 it will be re-opened so that more can be created.
2. Each Role Player is only allowed to create 3 topics at one time; this leaves room for others to create topics as well.
3. When making a thread, please include the names of all participants on the first page. like so
Lilly -girly_girl101
Alexandra -nany_phany
1. If a Role Play topic is on the bottom of the page and we are OVER 50 posts; we will be deleted.
2. If a role play is unable to go on then please Private Message me and i will take it out of the section and put it in closed.
3. Sex scenes are allowed just DON'T go into GREAT detail, I understand that some RPs will get to that style of a point, so if it does come it Just don’t go in to detail. If you go over board with it you will have 3 warnings before you are banned. I will not stand for it.